Membership Levels


You can choose multiple levels from this group.


Base membership.


Social Groups

You can choose multiple levels from this group.

Connect to Your Town

Group Organizer: Mark Pomeroy

Various cities have individuals who take ownership of their neighborhoods, workplaces, etc., where they build relationships so discipleship can take place.


Julia’s Sync with God Virtual Small Group

Group Organizer: Scott Adams,julia vasquez

Leader facilitated lessons with online friends.




Disciples of Ames



Group Organizer: Mark Pomeroy

Intercessors in Nebraska praying for disciple making movements in our state. We currently pray weekly Tues. night from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Connect to Lincoln

Group Organizer: Mark Pomeroy

Allow people to take ownership of their neighborhood, workplace or other gathering of people where they have relationships.


A Forum

Group Organizer: Emma Li



You can only choose one level from this group.

Zume Training: Session 01

Zúme Training is an on-line and in-life learning experience designed for small groups who follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.


Zume Training: Session 02


Zume Training: Session 03


Zume Training: Session 05


Zume Training: Session 04


Zume Training: Session 06


Zume Training: Session 07


Zume Training: Session 08


Zume Training: Session 09


Zume Training: Session 10


Next Steps for New Believers (Part 2): Joining Your Life with Others

Many people are living a routine life. They go to class, maybe go to work, study, and hang out with their friends. Then the next day they do it all over again. What if there was more to life than just these things? What if there was a bigger picture? God has an exceptional plan for you that is better than anything you can even imagine. This plan involves deeper relationships and deeper connections. Over the next 5 weeks, we’re going to talk about how God provides you with people to come alongside you and guide you to live a life on mission. Don’t settle on living life in the routine. Step into the exciting, exceptional life God has called you to live as you join in community with others.


Discovering Significance (Part 1): What’s Your Identity in Christ?

This series of lessons is meant to help you understand how your identify can be found in Christ. While the world around you will try to tell you who you are, the truth is that you can’t know who you are without knowing whose you are. We all belong to God! He created us just the way He wanted us – in His image. But sin left a nasty mark on us that only Christ can wipe away. When we realize what Christ has done for us and who we are in Him, it will help us realize our real identity, and we will have our IDENTITY DEFINED!


Godly Leadership That Makes a Difference (Part 1): Godly Leadership Principles

This course involves a study of the dynamics and principles of godly leadership. It highlights both the spiritual and practical sides of biblical leadership. Leadership styles are examined with insight given in the areas of character, relationships, and true qualifications of leaders. There are two emphases that will be examined – our own development as leaders and how to find and develop others who can also provide leadership.  


Passing on the Faith (Part 3): Becoming a Change Agent in the World

Bringing lasting change to a ministry, organization, or a community is not an easy feat, but as Jesus called the early disciples to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), so He is calling us today to be His witnesses and change agents locally and globally. This course takes a very practical look at how Christians can change their world for Christ. Having a heart for Jesus means having a heart for the people of the world. How will you leave your mark?


Passing on the Faith (Part 2): Multiplying Disciples – The Jesus Way


Passing on the Faith (Part 1): Leaving a Godly Legacy

While leadership rises and falls on influence, the lasting impact of a leader’s influence will only be felt through his or her legacy. When that person is gone, what impact will be left? This course will take you on a journey through several lives of biblical characters who either rose or fell in their ability to leave a lasting impact. The challenge to each of us is in asking what kind of legacy we will leave for those who come behind us.


Discovering Significance (Part 2): What’s God’s Purpose for Your Life?

God has uniquely gifted all of us so that we may fulfill our God-given purpose in life: to do His will. However, circumstances in life aren’t always favorable to us, and we must often overcome obstacles that are put in our way. With God’s help we will be able discover our purpose and live it out daily. The purpose of this course is to help you identify what your purpose is in life.


Godly Leadership That Makes a Difference (Part 3): Leadership Lessons from the New Testament

This course involves a study of the dynamics and principles of godly leadership. It highlights both the spiritual and practical sides of biblical leadership. Leadership styles are examined with insight given in the areas of character, relationships, and true qualifications of leaders. There are two emphases that will be examined – our own development as leaders and how to find and develop others who can also provide leadership.  


Godly Leadership That Makes a Difference (Part 2): Leadership Lessons from Characters in the Old Testament

This course involves a study of the dynamics and principles of godly leadership. It highlights both the spiritual and practical sides of biblical leadership. Leadership styles are examined with insight given in the areas of character, relationships, and true qualifications of leaders. There are two emphases that will be examined – our own development as leaders and how to find and develop others who can also provide leadership.  


Discovering Significance (Part 3): How Do We Answer Life’s Hard Questions?

Everybody wrestles with questions about life and why we go through the things we do. We seek understanding and comfort in hard times. Where do we go when asking these questions? How do we know what God wants us to do? In this course, we will challenge you to go to the Bible for answers to life’s hard questions. While we will never fully understand everything, on this side of heaven, we can be diligent and seek out what God has already told us in His Word.


Next Steps for New Believers (Part 3): Learning How to Pray

If we were to be honest, many of us would admit to struggling in the area of prayer. Unfortunately, the busyness of life often crowds out our prayer lives. Even though the Bible often emphasizes prayer, few are consistently able to make it a daily priority. If you find yourself struggling to pray, consider joining us on this prayer journey. Our goal is to provide you with a Biblical basis for prayer and motivate you to pray on a regular basis.


Next Steps for New Believers (Part 1): Knowing, Listening to, and Obeying God

Are you new to the Christian faith? Do you want to know more about the basics of Christianity and how it relates to our real lives? In part 1 of this series for new believers, you will learn what it means to know and obey God. This happens as we listen to God and get to know the Bible. Any of this sound interesting? If so, join the course and a small group with people who can help you find the answers you have been searching for.


Applying the Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation and the doctrine of the last days are some of the most argued about and misunderstood aspects of Christianity. Many people get caught up in the timeline of the last days or they may try to find what they think to be “secret codes” in the book of Revelation. However, from John’s perspective, the things that are yet to come should motivate us in the present to know and live for the One “who is, and who was, and who is to come.” John’s purpose is writing this revelation was to shepherd the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3, but the content is just as relevant to us today as it was thousands of years ago. The purpose of this course is to examine the book of Revelation and apply the theological concepts to our lives today.


A Matter of Faith: The Book of Romans

This is A Matter of Faith, based on the book of Romans. Written to early Christians in Rome, Paul’s letter contains a very clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this course, we will look at Paul’s writing, chapter by chapter, to examine what we can learn and apply to our lives.


Group Facilitator Resource: Introduction to Mentorship and Leading Small Groups

This short course is an introduction to discipleship and mentoring for those who will facilitate small groups on the Sync with God app. This course is designed to help you learn how to engage in a virtual small group with your mentees in order to help them learn the relevance of God and His Word in contemporary life.


Ethics and the Christian Life

We face ethical decisions every day, some that will affect the rest of their lives. It is vital for us to understand what ethics is and how to make good decisions. This course will help participants understand what ethics is about, the different theories there are about ethics, and why it matters for us as Christians.


Integrating Faith and Life

This course is meant to help you recognize how to move beyond the “milk” of the Word of God and into the “meat” contained in it. We want to show you how to integrate your lives around your faith. This means there is some internal analyzing that needs to be done, working through unclear parts of your learning up to this point. Grasping these concepts will help you move beyond simply just “doing” something because it’s what you’ve always done, to developing and creating new things that God has in store for you.


On Mission: Being God’s Ambassadors

This course is designed to help participants understand the importance of sharing the gospel and how to do so. In 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, the Apostle Paul calls us ambassadors for God, representing Him to the world. As God’s ambassadors, Christians have the ability to turn the obstacles that once stood in their way into opportunities to share the gospel.


Magnet Ministries

It seems like the number of church scandals and pastoral moral failures has grown exponentially over the past few years. This has led to many unbelievers to question the Church. If the Church is to be the light of the world, it must live up to its purpose. The Church should be a place that attracts unbelievers, not because the Church is extravagant in itself, but because Christ is. There should be a magnetism that draws them in, full of the truth and grace of God. If we are to build that kind of Church, then we must learn to trust in the leadership of the Holy Spirit. This course is meant to help you do just that, and help you understand not only how the world sees the Church but also how the Church should be conducting itself.


How To Gain a Life-Living Faith (The Book of James)



You can choose multiple levels from this group.

Small Group Leader – Basic (Test)

This is for disciplers who will lead up to 3 groups. If you have a mastermind, small group of individual who meet on a regular basis, or are looking at bringing together potential disciples, disciples and new believers, this is the membership for you.

$10.00 per Month.

Small Group Leader – Enhanced (Test)

This is for disciplers who will lead between 4 and 8 groups. If you have a mastermind, small group of individual who meet on a regular basis, or are looking at bringing together potential disciples, disciples and new believers, this is the membership for you.

$20.00 per Month.

Content Creator – Basic (Test)

This is for content creators who want to create up to 5 free and/or paid courses.


Combo Small Group Leader and Content Creator – Basic (Test)

This is for content creators who want to create up to 5 free and/or paid courses along with leading up to 3 groups. If you have a mastermind, small group of individual who meet on a regular basis, or are looking at bringing together potential disciples, disciples and new believers, this is the membership for you.
