

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we see a problem going on in the world today, right?  

  • We see the mass exodus from God.  
  • We see people turning their back on the church. 
  • We see people turning their back on God and we as believers are heartbroken and we’re struggling to find a way, find any way to bring people back to God. To bring more disciples to God and overcome this drought of discipleship. 

For those of you searching for a way, I’m happy to tell you there is a way, and it all has to do with unleashing life, changing discipleship with technology. 

Now, before we get into the specifics, let me tell you a little bit about Sync with God. 

Our vision is to increase discipleship, enhance evangelism, deepen the personal connections Christians have with one another, and lead more people to have a relationship with God. 

Our mission is to provide an all-in-one technology platform for seasoned Christians, seekers and New Believers that enables them to connect at a deeper level with each other and with God, while also empowering them to live a more meaningful godly life. 

You know, we have a challenge out there, right? 

Our challenge is to bring more disciples to God, and the disciple has many different challenges and solutions and to influence this generation we must engage where they feel at ease and empowered, which is technology.  

You know, the times have changed. In the old days we would have people meet us where we were when we were the discipler. You know, we would have them meet us at the church. Now we have to go and meet them where they are. As Christians we continue to bring this unchanging message to the gospel to people around the world. And we need effective approaches to discipleship. 

These effective approaches become even more important with the busyness, the distraction and everything that’s going on in today’s world. And these effective approaches are even that much more important in cultures that are becoming increasingly more polarized. We need to have a way to cut through that polarization. We need a way to have a way to part the seas, so to speak, and get our people to God. 

You know, that’s why Sync with God exists. Our purpose is to use technology to unleash life changing discipleship. Discipleship should be a normal and natural part of our everyday live. Not becoming disciple and engaging in this process is like wandering in the wilderness without purpose and meaning in life. 

I don’t know about you, but to me that’s a very lonely existence. To be wandering out in that wilderness and not have purpose and meaning in life. When that happens, not only do you lose out on your joy in this life, but you lose out on your eternal reward in heaven. 

And how sad is that? 

Moreover, if mature believers don’t disciple others, they grow stagnant. Both the disciple and discipler need to see increased growth in their lives. This growth comes first as a believer and then as a kingdom leader. Our goals and prayers are to see transformed lives. For this to happen, the church needs cultural shift towards a natural, simple, and repeatable discipleship process.  

This process empowers every member of the body of Christ to find their fit. 

With this process they also learn to obey Christ Central command to go and make disciples from Matthew 28 verses 18 through 20. The key to making this happen is to ensure discipleship goes beyond the four walls of the church. So why is there a drought of discipleship? 

We’ve uncovered 4 main causes leading to this terrible thing. This drought of discipleship.  

  • First of all, technology often disconnects. You know, social media was meant to bring us together, right? The truth is it’s isolated us. It keeps us apart. It separates us. It drives a wedge between us. It drives a wedge in our heart between us and God. The fact is, especially when it comes to young Christians, it’s isolated them and kept them from real Christian friendships. The other unfortunate part is that there’s little meaningful outreach to this generation. As a result, we’re seeing, increased levels of depression, of loneliness and even suicides among teenagers. 
  • Then we also have busyness and distraction. Many people are chasing temporal things like money, career and status instead of first seeking God’s Kingdom. The fact is, is money, career status all great things. There’s nothing wrong with striving for that. It’s just let’s try for God’s Kingdom 1st and then let the fruits let the rewards that He provides us come. Because older Christians seasoned Christians are chasing these things, these temporal things, they’re losing their influence on younger generations. 
  • And then we have older models and ministries. You know, the younger generation don’t have accountable Christian friendships and older mentors. They lack the people in their lives who will listen, affirm and dedicate time to them. Having these people in their lives will empower them to embrace authentic Christianity instead of worldly perspectives. Part of the reason for this is that almost 75% of Christians see themselves as ineffective in sharing the gospel. What if there was a way to reduce that to 50 %, 25 %, 10%? We all know that there are going to be people who are going to feel ineffective at sharing the gospel, and that’s just the way it’s going to work. But what if we could reduce that 75% to something much more manageable? You know, in the end we Christians have not done a good enough job of redeeming technology for God’s purposes, even though so many of us spend so much of our time there. 
  • And then we have uncertainty for the future. Our societies grow more confusing and complicated. Church attendance is declining. In fact, only one in three practicing Christians returned to church since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to find creative ways to reach populations of people who are still hesitant to return to church. 

So, what’s the solution? 

What’s the solution? 

How can we overcome these four causes leading to a drought of discipleship? 

At Sync with God. We found the solution. It all starts with a process solution. The process of enabling abundant discipleship through God’s Kingdom. 

At Sync with God, one part mission, one part technology in one part community, we’re focused on 

  • Equipping, empowering and being missionaries for Christ 
  • Building the Kingdom of Christ by providing an online platform that makes discipling other safe, effective and fun 
  • Focused on bringing more disciples to God through community outreach and intervention. We developed a six step processes that starts with building relationships and culminates with many people becoming disciplers themselves. 

The six-step process we’ve developed you see on your screen here and one of the things that’s beautiful about this is you can come in anywhere along this wheel along this circle and keep moving around. So, if you’re more technologically inclined, come in through technology, grow, become a disciple, become a discipler. Maybe you’re a seasoned Christian and want to bring people along this journey and start off with building a relationship before even sharing the gospel, right? So, you bring people in creative relationship with them, show them the truth, introduce them to the technology, watch them grow, watch them become a disciple, and marvel at them becoming a discipler 

The fact is that when it comes to relationships, that key to building deep trust and connective relationships is to show the relevance of Christ to current life struggles before sharing the gospel. 

This leads a person to having the desire to become a disciple of Christ rather than you having to convince them it’s the right choice. When it comes to truth, listening to the Holy Spirit as you study, meditate and obey God’s word from the Bible along with open and honest discipleship communication leads to the truth being revealed and a desire to grow in Christ. 

When it comes to technology, you know technology is the tool used to unleash life changing discipleship in virtual small groups that mimic a coffeehouse type experience. It is here where disciples open their hearts to truth and a worthy Christian guides a few individuals at a time to maturity while equipping and reproducing disciples in the third generation. 

When it comes to growth, growth in Christ means a daily moment by moment, deep friendship with Christ through prayer, having a relationship with other Christians and experiencing this growth in them is an integral part of this process. 

When it comes to disciples, as new and lapsed, believers come to Christ, integrating them into the life of face-to-face virtual small groups so they take ownership of their own spiritual growth, and they learn how to live and share their faith with others is key to their discipleship. Through this process, many will go on to choose to disciple others. 

When it comes to disciplers through knowledge and growth, the desire to share what we learn leads to a desire to disciple others. Discipling others is where we focus on the other person spiritual growth. This results in miraculous Kingdom building multiplication in every cultural, national, and socioeconomic sphere. The amazing part is this also includes over 7000 unreached people groups.  

Now let’s move from the process solution into the human solution when it comes to enabling abundant discipleship through God’s Kingdom. We at Sync with God have uncovered 3 game changers when it comes to the human solution in enabling abundant discipleship through God’s Kingdom. 

  • The first is life transformation. The process of maturing believers rather than conversions and evangelistic numbers. This means we start to look like our Savior and exhibit Christlike behaviors. 
  • Then we also have fruit that glorifies Jesus. “By this, as my father, glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples.” John 15 verse 8. Jesus gives us a way. He gives us an example and a way to measure ministry and we can use that example to move forward and use technology in the same vein. 
  • The last thing is the opportunity for a movement. You know God’s Kingdom is marked by multiplication and exponential growth. His systems reflect this. 

Take seeds, for example. You know you’ve ever seen a Marigold, right? The fact is the marigold is this beautiful little flower. Technically, it’s beautiful. You know, we think of it turning into this willowy wisp in the end and floating along. Think of the process that was created there, right?  

You got a Marigold. It’s seeds land in your yard, it grows. Then as it grows and matures and it and it turns white like most of our hair’s turning white, it then spreads its seeds across. The wind blows and takes its seeds to the next yard. And in that next yard, it sits, and it lands, and its seeds planted, and a new Marigold grows. And this process repeats itself over and over and over. 

And so it is with you. 

By focusing on these three game changers, we will enable others to bring new disciples to God. These new disciples will be empowered to grow in their faith, with many becoming disciplers themselves. Both disciples and disciplers alike will be equipped to mature and grow on their journey with God. So now we focused on the human solution and the process solution, let’s look at the technology solution. 

The technology solution is Sync with God. 

Here you see the four key components of Sync with God and how Sync with God increases discipleship through an all-in-one platform that connects video, threaded chat, teaching, journaling, lessons, modules and more. The beauty is small, group leaders can choose to either use the Sync with God content or to deliver their own ministry content on their custom branded platform. 

The key to making content effective is to create both disciple and discipler centered content. 

Consider this testimonial from someone who’s already gone through one of our pilot groups about feeling more freedom and more connection online than in person. 

Now for many of us who grew up not as digital natives, that’s a foreign concept. 

However, that’s how the younger generation feels they feel they can connect better online than they can in person. They feel safer, they feel more comfortable being behind the camera versus being face to face with somebody. 

You know, I worked with somebody once that said the reason they feel more comfortable is they can just hang-up, or they can turn their camera off and they feel comfortable doing that versus not feeling comfortable just walking away from somebody. It’s an amazing change in mindset with the younger generation. Here’s a testimonial from a small group leader who led a pilot group in Kansas City. 

You know he could see the vision about this tool connecting Christians to one another and how it’s going to increase discipleship. He saw the power of accessing this video conferencing chat group. The all-in-one platform we have. The secret sauce as we call it and we know that once you get a chance to look at the platform, you’ll feel the same things too. 

Now it’s time to introduce you to the story of how we got here and the team behind Sync with God. 

This has been an interesting journey. Our founder Mark Pomeroy has had this vision for 30 plus years now and it started with connecting journalism to the real problems in the culture, in church and as you can see from 1989 it’s flowed, ebbed and flowed and come forward into where we are today. The beautiful part is technology has finally caught up with Mark’s vision to be the place where we could deliver this all-in-one solution. 

The vision for the future. 

Our vision for the future is to… 

  • Train disciple makers in virtual small groups.  
  • Create hundreds if not thousands of custom branded platforms for ministries and other Christian entities. 
  • Sell Sync with God content. 
  • Develop the encrypted technology that is especially useful in areas of persecution and hostile governments. 

There are four outcomes we expect to see.  

  • First nurturing, increasing spiritually mature leaders. You know this is going to improve ministries results within the community. 
  • Second is to quickly multiply virtual small groups, which will result in creating more disciples in less time. 
  • Third is reducing church dropout rates via inclusion in small group communities and fellowship. 
  • Fourth is to connect the isolated generations so that the church culture is enhanced. 

These four outcomes will lead the Sync with God platform to bring over 1,000,000 believers to the Kingdom of God and becoming financially viable by the end of 2026. 

Now it’s time to introduce you to the team.  

  • Mark Pomeroy. He’s the founder and COO. He founded Sync with God to be a pathway to influence younger generations for Christ. It’s amazing what Mark has gone through and what Mark has persevered through over the last 30 years to bring this vision to reality. 
  • Christopher James, who’s our multimedia developer. His big why for joining Sync with God, was to help people find rescue hope, power and compassion in Christ. His skill sets are invaluable to us as we move into the future. To create that great content, to create the great materials that we need to attract more people to the platform and to attract more people to the Kingdom of God. 
  • Chris Cobb. Chris is our content manager and his big why for joining Sync with God is to obey the Great Commission to disciple all nations through curriculum and instructional design. The beautiful part about having Chris on board is he’s both an instructional designer and someone who’s highly educated. What this means to is you can trust the content that was created for Sync with God. What this also means to you is that if you need a resource, if you need somebody to help you create content for your own custom branded Sync with God platform, you have access to someone who’s very, very good at what he does. 
  • And then finally allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chris. I’m the CEO and my big why for joining Sync with God was to be able to use my God given gifts to cultivate disciples for God. I wake up every morning and thank God that he’s seen fit to put me in a position that I can use the gifts that he’s given me to bring more people to Him. 

Now let’s look at our milestones over the next three years. 

We’ve already talked that our goal over five years right is to bring 1,000,000 disciples and disciples 1,000,000 people into the Kingdom of God. 

How we’re going to get there is in year one, ten thousand, year two thirty thousand, year three, one hundred thousand. year four, about 350,000 Year 5 over 1,000,000. 

Part of what you see on the screen here is some of the interim, some of the I’ll say smaller milestones right to get there. And how we are going to get there, right? Get more Sync with God collaborators, realize hundreds of marketing opportunities, realize many platform upgrades. 

The thing to take away from this slide is that we’ve a plan, we’re going to experience growth, and the platform is going to be living, breathing and growing as we move throughout the years. 

This leads to our funding needs.  

Between now and June 30th of 2022, we need $767,000 with our average need between now and the end of 2025 being $1.3 million per year and in year five, 2026 will be fully financially self-sufficient.  

If you have any questions about Sync with God, please reach out to me my number and email address is on the screen. You can also reach out to our founder, Mark Pomeroy, his information on the screen as well. I just want to close with saying thank you and I appreciate you. 

And until we speak again or speak for the first time. Until we meet in person again or meet for the first time. Until we see you on the Sync with God platform… 

May you have all the blessings your heart and God desire.